What Really is ABS sef?

Since the 1980's People have bought Cars that come standard with a feature known as ABS without ever knowing what the short acronym means not to talk of what exactly it does in a car other than making a car brake better. Today, I want to bring to You in layman terms the meaning and actual essence of the ABS and You'll come to find see that ABS really is just a very simple and brilliant technical solution to easily preventable accidents that occur in everyday driving situations.

An anti-lock braking system (ABS) is a safety anti-skid braking system used on aircraft and on land vehicles, such as cars, motorcycles, trucks and buses. ABS operates by preventing the wheels from locking up during braking, thereby maintaining tractive contact with the road surface.

Now Let Me simplify this, How many of You have been in a situation where You have had to press the brakes very hardly and swerve out of the direction being traveled in order to avoid an obstacle? maybe just a a handful but lemme explain it.

When I was Younger, My Mother had a Mazda 626 coupe I Learned Driving with. This car didn't come with ABS. One day, I took it out as was the usual trend and I was with a new friend who I wanted to show just how fast I thought the car was. I floored the gas pedal on a straight and as the car approached maybe 100kmh, I was getting to the end of that particular road which ended with a T-junction and a Gutter straight ahead. When I got close to this T-junction at the end I immediately gave the brake Pedal all I got and swerved right in anticipation of entereing the right street at this T-junction. Thinking the driving dynamics of this Mazda could be likened to an F1 Car, I was trusting that the Vehicle would immediately obey and go right at the junction but the car had different plans. so as I had expected that the car would slow down and navigate itself right into the bend, Nothing Happened. The car just skidded straight in the same direction of travel regardless of the fact that I had turned the steering and thus the wheels to the right. Luckily the gutter ahead buffered My speed so the damage to the vehicle was minimal just setting My Mother back a few Thousand Naira to replace the Connecting Rods of the wheels, but it could have been worse. What if it was a kid crossing the street I was trying to avoid?

Now People, Below is a Brief Explanation on what ABS would have done in preventing My little accident but for a Visual description, Watch the video i've put below by BMW and Mercedes-Benz for a full visual description and/or then add My aforementioned Brief Description further below for a layman's Explanation. Please Watch The Video to the End as even though it seems difficult to understand around the middle, it's actually made very simplified and understandable as the video progresses. Its only 6minutes long too. Cheers.

In a car without ABS, when in motion and the brakes are applied at full pedal, the obvious thing that happens is for the wheels to lock up and skid thus making that 'Screeech' sound because the wheels have lost traction. Now when the wheels lock up, if You try to steer, you'll come to find that it'll be in futility as the car would keep going in the same direction of travel irrespective of which way the steering wheel and thus tires are being turned to. This means that in the event of say, a child running through the streets, the first thing a licensed driver would do by reflex action is to depress the brake pedal as hard as possible and try to swerve out of the way but because the car doesn't have ABS, the tyres would just Lock up, Skid and continue towards the obstacle and colide with it which in this scenario, is a 'child' crossing the street. what ABS is to totally eliminates wheel lock up as the acronym suggests and maintains traction so that the driver can still use the steering-wheel to steer and navigate out of the direction being traveled or out of harms way while having depressed the brake pedal at full pressure especially in conditions such as snow, sand, gravel or rain where traction is low. How this happens is when the intelligent electronic sensors detect that a wheel is about to lock up and stop moving, the system will automatically release the brake regardless of if it has been pressed. The release is only for a very very short moment of milliseconds. The ABS then continuously and repeatedly applies optimum braking pressure to each wheel, meaning the system will brake just enough to not lock the wheels.  To know when the ABS is working in most cars, You'll feel a vibrating sensation on the brake pedal when the brake has been depressed. This sensation means the ABS is at work in preventing the wheels from Locking up..


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